Elven Forest Journal

Latest Writings, Stargates & Updates

Lilac Starfire of Ascension

Apr 08, 2021

Beloved Star of Dawn,


Fire lilac of the ancient and far citadels arising, as the new palest gold of immortal starlight frequencies flowed through in the sunlight, through the Ostara 21.3.21 ~ Easter 4.4.21 Stargate 


New realms of the Immortal Starlight Earth are appearing, those to which we are Gatekeeper, and there is a pause following the stargate, as the beam of the new sun travels far, and farther than before, awakening myriad Starlight Temples with flashes of gold...

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Sapphire & Swanfeather

Mar 29, 2021

Of sapphire starlight and beginnings. It is my joy to walk with my starlight kindred in the time of beginnings, by the light of an earth born under the stars, before the time of the sun and the time of the moon.

To let go of the veil that has held us bound and invisible to ourselves and one another, dropping the veil of density, the cadences of a world to which we do not belong and never have, to return to the reality that we are destined to bring here, to make real once more
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Ostara Elven Stargate 21.3.21

Mar 18, 2021

Beloved Star of the Dawn, Blessings of the New Diamond Moon and this time of Spring Equinox/Ostara, one of the great gateways in our ascension. I would love to invite you to the Ostara Elven Stargate FREE Online Ceremony, Sunday 21st March at 6-8pm (UK time). This shall be an Elven Teaching and Transmission of shamanic drum and Elven Starlight Sounding, a time for you to visit and dream your own Elemental Temples of Light ~ of fire, earth, water and air ~ into being. It is a time to call in...

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