Beloved Star of the Dawn, Blessings of the New Diamond Moon and this time of Spring Equinox/Ostara, one of the great gateways in our ascension. I would love to invite you to the Ostara Elven Stargate FREE Online Ceremony, Sunday 21st March at 6-8pm (UK time). This shall be an Elven Teaching and Transmission of shamanic drum and Elven Starlight Sounding, a time for you to visit and dream your own Elemental Temples of Light ~ of fire, earth, water and air ~ into being. It is a time to call in BALANCE as the new solar golden codes of Soul align through every part of our lives. You shall journey/dream/vision the Four Elemental Temples of Fire, Earth, Water and Air, that correspond with the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental aspects of who you are. You shall witness them in their full, New Dawn radiance/ancient starlight resonance, allowing for clearing and recalibration.
Witness the Starfire of the New Solar Radiance pouring through the pillars, archways, domains of the Temples of Sunstar, Earthstar, Moonstone Waters, and the Temple of the Winds of the Stars, as you step through to dream and vision your own Elemental Temples of Light. You shall recalibrate them with the New Solar Radiance of your Soul, initiated since Solstice, bringing your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental bodies into balance with the new frequencies. Find out more/Join up here
I would love also to share Elven Pod #7, an Elven Sun Dance. The practice of movement has been coming in, an Elfin Sun Dance, as the sacred golden dimensions of the Soul rise up into architectural/physical presence. Ever since Imbolc, there is an Ancient Elven Temple of the Sun arising up, its golden Elfin Sunstone of Topaz, its white starlight gems fanning out in a mosaic in all directions. This is the Golden Elven Dimension that is re-opening now on earth, the Temple of the Sun that has long been here, but can only reside at certain frequencies that we are connecting with as earth ascends. It was such a surprise to share a pod through movement, and I really feel you with me as I record these, it is very moving to experience! Watch here
AND ANNOUNCING that the magical portal, the Sapphire Gateway into the Elven Starlight ONLINE Journey shall OPEN for REGISTRATION at the time of Ostara/Spring Equinox 21.3.21! This really is the most exceptional community of Light that I would recommend with all my soul, that brings such deep support, and maintains focus on the deeper reality of Light that underpins this time of intense change. It brings infinite support and resonance both through the Elven and Star Elders, and the transmissions that flow through, and also through the community of Elder Starlight Kindred all around the earth, such exceptional and beautiful human beings to travel with. It is quite something to know that we are together, and to hear of one another's visions and journeys.
And most magically, if you join this time you shall enter with the First Glyph of the Silver Wheel and the Sapphire Flame of the Everlasting Stars, so you shall begin by donning your Swanfeather Cloak as a Shining One, and remembering your vow of deepest love for the earth. It is truly time to move beyond our fears, the intensity of energies that may have us longing at times to return to the stars, and instead allow our swan feathers to form the rainbow bridge to the Dawn. Discover more about the journey here
May you have a most blessed Equinox portal, wherever you may be and howsoever you are called to hold this. It is a very powerful time, and we have been in a vast wave of movement, an astral collapse of old structures, whether through emotions, old dreams collapsing, inertia presenting, loss of hope or sense of freedom ~ all is movement, alteration as the Golden Spheres of Peace phase out the structures that are now obsolete. Through all, the archways of white starlight, celestite and cerulean blue are restoring, inter-dimensional corridors of access to the realities of higher creational flow. It shall become easier to access/build the reality of your soul. Deep indigo mystic waves of integration come for the dreaming/imagining body, preparing for the new field of dreams.
Voyage well, beloved Elder Starlight Kin, in our starlight canoes by the Light of the Dawn
With Infinite, Elfin Love
Elen Elenna
Elen Elenna
Author ~ Shamanic healer & teacher ~ Elven Star wisdom of the New Dawn
Walking the Path of Immortal Starlight here upon Earth
Elven Starlight Online Journey
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