Elven Forest Journal

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Lilac Starfire of Ascension

Apr 08, 2021

Beloved Star of Dawn,


Fire lilac of the ancient and far citadels arising, as the new palest gold of immortal starlight frequencies flowed through in the sunlight, through the Ostara 21.3.21 ~ Easter 4.4.21 Stargate 


New realms of the Immortal Starlight Earth are appearing, those to which we are Gatekeeper, and there is a pause following the stargate, as the beam of the new sun travels far, and farther than before, awakening myriad Starlight Temples with flashes of gold...

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Ostara Moon 2018

Mar 31, 2018

Blessings of this Ostara Full Moon…. a portal of rose, silver, gold, a mystical shift point, a New Reality once more gifted

Old rose doorways, with sigils written in the shadowy stone speak of this time of awakening. They are long since sealed with the old seals, set for this time and this arrival from the stars of the new instructions of the Dawn. When we become ready, we connect these doorways to the Dawn frequencies and we awaken once more the Old Ways of Peace on Earth. Rose...

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