Come with me, walk with exquisite footsteps into the Shining Realms of the Elven Elders….
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‘In the heart of the forest, it appears. In the clearing before me, at the centre, lies a book. It looks very old, clad in a worn white deerskin. I touch the cover gently with my fingertips. There is something exquisitely beautiful about this book. I feel that it is something that has been much honoured and loved. Reverently, I open the cover. On page after page of pale bark that curls at the edges, is inscribed the most beautiful and mysterious script. It looks as though it is written with light itself – the flowing lines shine golden and silver and sapphire…’
~ Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book
It holds the extraordinary wisdom of the Elven Ones, that shall awaken your own natural grace, your inter-dimensional gifts and ancient hope
‘The Celestine Prophecy of the New Millennium’
~ Manda Scott
Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book tells us that aeons ago, the Elven Ones came from distant stars and galaxies, and founded the civilisation of Mu, of Lemuria. To them, earth was a sacred place where they came to weave their starlight codes of inter-dimensional consciousness. They existed in harmony with the many realms of creation, crafting new realities into existence.
They knew that, in accordance with the great cycles of galactic and inter-galactic Light, their era on earth would come to an end, and that this beautiful, inter-dimensional way of being would come to seem like a myth and a dream. A quite different way of being would come about, and humanity would forget its sacred creative powers and its origin in the stars.
In a Grove of White Trees, such as no longer exist in this world, thirteen glyphs were created within otherworldly amethyst crystals. The glyphs were formed of the starlight, sunlight, moonlight and rainfall of that Age, and inscribed on pages made from the bark of the white trees.
Into the grove trod the White Deer with the Star at her brow, and gifted herself to carry the teachings. So her spirit has carried the wisdom through the aeons, into this this time. Thus was the Deerskin Book created, holding the Elven glyphs of the Silver Wheel, and stored in another dimension from that time until this.
For the Elven Ones foresaw the coming of another Golden Age ~ an era when many souls would awaken and create a new and sacred reality. Within them, the deep and lost wisdom of their own other-dimensional gifts would stir. The codes to the New Dawn would arise, and they would be compelled by a sacred destiny to awaken and remember, and to restore the lost dimensions of the earth.
The Elven Star teachings of the Silver Wheel awaken ethereal, long-forgotten spheres of the soul with the beautiful new frequencies of the Golden Dawn, and infuse us with a wondrous vision of the earth and the stars and our own destiny.
It contains the sacred codes and glyphs of remembrance, a lost and faraway wisdom that is activating within us now. It guides us deeper and ever deeper into this remembrance, and into our destiny to create a New Dawn on Earth.
♢ Step into the sacred groves of Lemuria & the Elven Starlight realms
♢ Become the lantern to a beautiful new reality
♢ Irrevocably enter the realms of the Golden Dawn of a New Earth
Within its pages are included 13 guided journeys, travel into the Elven realms of Lemuria on a journey of sacred metamorphosis and soul inspiration.
Silver Wheel contains 13 Elven Glyphs, 13 beautiful Illustrations
Remember Who You are
Silver Wheel is the mandala of the Elven and Star Elders. It is the First Light, the First Radiance, of an earth that was dreamt amongst the stars, and whose Dawn, whose Dream, arrives again and again. These are the pathways to which the Deer calls us, quietly leading the trail, returning us to the New Dawn of an Elder, Ascended Earth. Calling us to remember our role, who we are as an Elder, a Star in a New Dawn of Peace
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Beautiful Illustrations & Glyphs
Each chapter is exquisitely illustrated with the art of Zara Kuchi and the glyphs of the Elven Elders that evoke and activate remembrance, making this book a beautiful treasure to own and keep by your side
This book is an activational treasure, light-encoded. It emanates the pure wisdom that it holds within
“May this book reach all those it is for, and strengthen the star kin. It is needed and timely.”
~ Faith Nolton ~
Remember Who You Are
Gift yourself with this Light-Encoded tome of ancient wisdom for the New Dawn, a sacred treasure you shall love
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Lauren D'Silva
Author of ‘Light behind the Angels’ and the Principal of Touchstones School of Crystal Therapy
"The light-filled pages of the Deerskin Book communicate to us from crystalline levels of Consciousness in poetic and lyrical layers of meaning. Allow these enchanting teachings to flow through you imparting their mystic beauty and gentle wisdom. They speak directly to the soul and bring forth a message of hope; that the time of the New Earth is upon us."

Manda Scott
Shortlisted for an Orange Prize, nominated for an Edgar Award, shamanic teacher - and best-selling Author of the Boudicca Trilogy
‘An amazing piece of automatic writing in the tradition of Jane Roberts’ Seth books... Silver Wheel takes followers further and deeper into the realms of self/Self to find what happens when we step out of our own shadows... An elegant, graceful, humane introduction to the worlds of the Deerskin Book... It seems to me that this is the Celestine Prophecy of the new millennium...’

Faith Nolton
Shamanic & Visionary artist and poet, author of 'Gardens of the Soul’, Founder of Sacred Hoop Magazine
‘Elen is one of those rare beings that combine deep intuitive sensitivity with gentle and powerful wordcraft. What she has known from birth in her bones, she weaves into words with skill and ancient knowledge... This evocative, timely and visionary book has a deep ring of truth and an empowering message for today’s world, which will resonate with readers on so many levels.’
Amazon Reviews
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"This is so much more than a 'book'. This is a transmission, an activation for the all the Ages of Humankind upon the Earth. It is a sacrament of the most exquisite beauty, an expansion into a freedom we dream in our deepest, wildest dreams. It is a profound communication of a cellular knowing we’ve carried for eons, our most heartfelt longings for communion, the whisperings of which now, thank the gods, grows louder each moment, calling us to live, to breathe, to speak and to Be that which once was and never has been, to inhale and exhale this Truth of Earth and All Beings as it was always destined to be. Aho"
~ Sapphire Flame
‘This is an exquisite book, filled with deep wisdom and beauty. Many sections stopped me in my tracks because they were just so heart-stoppingly beautiful and expressed deep truths so clearly. This story chimes with experiences I’ve had in nature, when meditating, when journeying on the drum, when connecting with my heart and my inner knowing. It’s very much a book of our times – infused with ancient wisdom that is highly relevent to the shift in consciousness that is happening on the planet (and needs to happen) at this time. If you’re anything like me, Silver Wheel will remind you of the ancient truths long-forgotten by your mind that live on in your very core, so you will experience this book as a joyous homecoming to your heart. Essential reading for magical beings, nature lovers, sensitive souls, modern day mystics, Shamanic souls, wise women and men, and all those who know that a more beautiful world is possible.’
~ Jackie Stewart
'I highly recommend this beautiful book to all who feel a deep love for the Earth. It was recommended to me by a friend, after I had a magical encounter with a deer, and has been the beginning of a profound and transformational journey for me! A real feeling of coming home too. So full of light and wisdom. I've read a lot of spiritual books in my life, but Silver Wheel by Elen Tompkins feels very new and special. The combinations of words have an energy all of their own that feels beneficial. I keep returning to it and uncovering more and more with every read. It really is so much more than a 'book'. "This is a sapphire realm of returning memory, the blue-print of the New Earth"'.
~ Holly W.
'Elen gifts you with the most magical pathway to your innermost Heart...where All Wisdom is sacredly held in waiting for your unique acknowledgement. She is THE voice of profound inner awakening; ordained, authentic and so purely connected to the Source of All-That-Is. If you've ever asked for help from "upstairs" to connect you to the Truth of who you are, and for assistance in becoming all that you came here to be...Elen's Silver Wheel is THE vehicle to receive this support you have no doubt long desired. Thank you Elen for the gift of the Silver Wheel...forever Now in my Heart, as living wisdom. Bless!'
~ Anon
Goosebumps from the minute I opened the book. The beauty of the words and images it creates in your minds eye ....just breathtaking. I loved the narrative...the journey was so powerful. The energy pouring from it is one of pure light and it has awakened a healing light in me. The meditations are easy to follow and deeply meaningful. Illuminating a shining light in a weary world, offering a hand of hope that indeed there is much to love, enjoy and be happy for in this world if we only have the eyes to see. Would highly recommend.
~ Joanne D.
‘The Elven guardian settles herself beside me, sitting cross-legged, her skirts spreading across the ground. There is a feather, white, in her hair. Her hair is moon pale and there is a glimmer of turquoise at her brow. She is the rune and the glyph of a greater harmony, a purpose beyond herself. She speaks to me, and her voice is the sound of the leaves of the Tree, a murmuring of leaves, through the yellow trail, to stars.’
~ Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book