Monday, 6th November, 2017
Timbavati, South Africa
dusk beside the watering hole
the young cub capers around his mother and aunt, Khanezi and Khanesa
a dusty clearing in the trees
his soft tawny presence
later, it is lightning and stars, the roars of the distant lions
We had received the tenth glyph, the Golden Flame of the Everlasting Stars, under the trees, in the place where the golden moth lay. Releasing the beauty of the tree planting, of the White Apple, to rest and quest once more in the illuminations of the Dawn, returning to pure perception
exquisite transmissions and song tumbling through, messages spoken, drum and bell
and we sang in the dusk, as the light faded, and lionesses paced around us and laid themselves around our truck in the dusk. And capering, playing, coming ever closer, is the lion cub Ingwavuma
and I slipped into trance, falling deep within, pulled on a cord of light to an encounter, to the alliance foretold, with Ingwavuma, angelic lion of the Dawn, of the one bearing the Dawn contract
to stand before him, clad in the golden Elfin robes, in my full heart, and majesty
with the Elven staff
bowing into deep communion with one another
as the light fades, as the deep blues of the sky begin to reveal the stars
and as I cross over into that encounter, lightning begins to flicker in the skies and the male lions Letaba and Regeus begin to roar and call in the distance. It is the fulfilment of the prophecy
His Leonine, otherworldly form, utterly graceful, in robes of flowing white, meeting, a column of white
brow to brow, star to star, in a silent majesty of communion
this the infinitely beautiful beginning of new worlds
of great hearts colliding
of lightning pouring through my body, in rivers, of a transmission received in wave after wave
and he hands over a silver key long held and kept here in this land
And Madeleine beside me is holding my hand and murmuring in rivers of star language, of a Lyran song pouring down in silvery white filament codes through her
holding my hand, making it possible to cross over, to disappear
to vanish into the encounter that has been foretold
handling the majesty and awesome power inherent to existence, inherent to becoming ourselves
I close my eyes under the African night, here upon the star ground of Timbavati
and travel into the celestial encounter
the silver key unlocks the gates ~ silver wrought Elven gates within the land ~ wrought by the first star peoples, as a link to the great cycles and forges of the Dawn, places where the gold is born and crafted ~ the gold, the physical gold created by a Golden Era, when there is the harmonic convergence of worlds, of realms
unlocking the great wrought Elven gates within the land, silvery, deep beneath
of the parallel worlds that have been hindered in their stepping through, their passing through
to the higher celestial spheres, that older universe of Light to which our future tends
unleashing its flames, the Celestial, Cosmic Flames like living furnaces of the Dawn, great forges coming to light and life
where new realms are forged, where the earth arises again as a Shining Star
here the rivers of molten gold flow through under Dawn flames and frequencies, the arising of celestial suns, their light cresting the horizon
deep within the earth, this comes to pass
higher starlight of the Elven stars and of Lyran illuminations
rose, silver, gold, white-gold, emerald, sapphire, ruby-star, violet, aquamarine, magenta, peach, opal, diamond
again and again the cadences pour and the celestial song begins
it appears
the Morningstar Temple within the earth ~ a new cycle of Creation ~ pouring through with celestial song and music
and at the surface, the Star Travellers begin to sing. Sitting in the vehicle, under the stars and the lightning, with the lionesses ranged around the vehicle, lying across the track and preventing our passage ~ the Star Travellers begin to sing, and to channel through the exquisite celestial song, the archangelic song of their hearts that has called them to Timbavati and the White Lions ~
they sing to Ingwavuma, they sing the incoming starlight from the Everlasting stars ~ each one a flickering flame and colour
it is as though the earth begins again in ancient starlight
bound by the ancient angel hearts that have so long loved her, and now call her forth
it was a cosmic galactic celestial new beginning, one of those point when the cadences of the Dawn deepen and wave through
a cresting portal
the Dawn is composed of ever deepening and spiralling waves
all in the transmutation of the planetary reality
we are the dancers of the Dawn, the dancers of the light who know how to do this
how do we live with such destiny, such purpose, how do we understand ourselves
every so often one act links up a high number of pre-existing layers, and that act will have a vast ripple, or be a signature turning point for the collective dreaming
i have to touch the golden fabric of my soul, the Far-bringer, and let her speak
the joy of artists, musicians, working upon one vast symphonic creation
this is a rare harmonic convergence of New Dawn consciousness, an alignment of worlds
by bringing the celestial template of the Silver Wheel back to Timbavati, from where so long ago it had been taken, to be protected ~ removed and taken elsewhere, withdrawn
Silver Wheel is the template for Star soul, Oversoul embodiment on earth ~ it is the record of a high order of harmonic and subtle design that is the vibrational signature for heaven on earth
it is the signature of our remembrance of this embodiment in times past, and it is the signature for our present ascension and future creations at this level of consciousness
it inspires us to speak in the language that has long remained unspoken, and it causes us to reveal the aspects of ourselves that have long remained hidden
It is linked with the ancient star ground of Timbavati, on the meridian of the Golden Ley Line, of Zep Tepi and First Time
the twelve heavenly pillars are restored, the swirling flames of a Starflower that is seen all across the universe, whose beacon lit, sends the signal that we are ready
the beacons go up in all the interlinking suns, the interlinking stars
the Elven horns sound, declaring that the temple shall be protected, that we shall continue to guardian and protect this new creation
linked with the river of gold, the furnaces of elemental creation are lit once more, kindled
these finer realms of gold shall flow with the heavenly starlights
the river of gold is the conductor
linking starlight creation with earth
gradually the worlds link together once more in their new order, and my attention gradually fuses to the present
our song grows silent ~ it is done
it ripples out to the land, rippling into the places where the suffering is still densely held ~ it is a thunderous wave ~ and one of the Star Travellers sobs as the land releases a tidal wave of grief
and still the lionesses and the cub Ingwavuma attend us
we drive back ~ fireflies, lightning, a full moon rising, orange over the horizon, glowing amongst the trees as though resting on the ground, an illumined tent camped in the wilderness
paying homage to the father lions, Letaba & Regeus as we go
and a shooting star
as we return to camp
Elvenstar Star Traveller retreat to be with the White Lions of Timbavati, 2017