At a stone circle high in the mountains above the waterfall, on a pilgrimage with my teacher Nancy Dancing Light in the summer of 2009, I found myself receiving a vast sapphire circle of Shining Ones into presence. They descended into the stone circle, and I could feel their immensity, their immortal grace and wisdom. A few years later, in the summer of 2012, I received the Silver Wheel glyphs, that floated down as forms of Light from the waterfall itself.
So long held sacred by the Druids, this enchanting waterfall is a sanctuary of the Shining Ones, of the immortal realms of the Earth. It is a place of revelation ~ of awakening to the true nature of the earth and the stars and ourselves.
It was a gathering of truly beautiful souls. By ceremonies of swanfeather, sapphire and moonstone, we awakened the lost codes of ethereal brilliance stored deep within. That shimmering natural wisdom of the lost dimensions we are here to create was activated: the deeply stored wisdom of a past solar age igniting with the star codes of the Golden Dawn.
We discovered the vow that we made, as we stepped over from the stars into the realms of earth, many lifetimes ago, for the first time. This is our original star vow, its ethereal and wise choice, made so long ago. Our vow to anchor here the beautiful frequencies of the star realms from where we originate. In a sacred journey to our original Lemurian self we found the Sapphire of our vow to be a star dreamer on this earth, to anchor here the realities of the soul. We carried the sapphire of this vow back to this world. We carried it to the Dreaming Tree, golden and shimmering with swan feathers, and placed the sapphire amongst her candlelit, golden roots. We re-consecrated our vow, as the Light we now carry forward.
Surrounded by the light of the four Elven citadels of sunstar, earthstar, moonstone and the winds, under the leaves of the Immortal Tree of Peace, we danced, sang and dreamed the 13 sacred ceremonies of the Silver Wheel.
The hills shimmered with Light, Rivendell awoken into full dimensional presence. Everything softly shimmered and glowed, eleven Elders awoken, a circle holding the swan feather staff.
On the altar the great rose quartz sphere, long since gathered in Avalon, and the clear quartz sphere, gathered in Avebury, many years past. Long have they waited for this awakening of the Elven, Lemurian path of the New Earth.
Our ceremonies centred upon the Temple of the Eveningstar, on the evening of 4th September, when Venus and the New Crescent Moon hung both in the sky. It was woven of an etheric pyramid of light, and within was the rose quartz sphere, and lapis lazuli and abalone shell of the Elven Evening Star Temple. The waters of the waterfall were brought in sacred procession from the falls, so too were the red and white spring waters of Avalon.
In the evening, by firelight and moonlight, travelling into the beyond, into lost realms of the Eveningstar, we surrendered to the Mystery. Bringing through something from way beyond ourselves, for the collective. The awakening of deep starry codes that have not been accessible on this planet for a long time. A new dimensional arising. Far frequencies delicate as pearl and feather from beyond. The Rose Ray Starlight Beam and the golden Crystalline Light poured down from the heavens, and anchored in this sacred place, deep within the ground and within ourselves ~ a profound upliftment into deeper levels of Love.
And finally, having received the full 13 star codes of the New Earth, we dreamt her new spheres. It takes great courage to let go of the old earth, to step into the presence of Arianrhod and surrender to the silvery spheres, the quantum starlight and full galactic dream of the New. It is an initiation into our own power as sacred creators ~ the calling of our magical dream beyond a dream into the Now moment, the calling of our future self into presence.
A path of profound beauty opens up beneath the feet, a deeply beautiful life that has hovered beyond the veils, ever dancing in and out of sight, yet now becomes profoundly real.
We travel forth from this place, carrying the star dream of the New Earth in our hearts, surrounded by the grace of the Elven Ones, infused with the lamp of our own awakening, the true remembrance of who we are, and who we are becoming.
Words of the Travellers
‘The evening star retreat was a powerful journey into the future as it is happening now upon the earth, an unveiling of the deep memories we carry about who we really are. Elen’s prescience and guidance was beautiful, gentle and a constant reminder of the vow we made to our self before we appeared on the earth this time. It is that reminder that I know in the heart of me, that I can now, never forget.
thank you Elen Tompkins for a mind blowing, soul searching, heart healing and life changing event.
The retreat of 13 journeys over 4 days, made the work of the silver wheel a beautiful experience that carried a grace and a devotion to the sacred heart of life. It was an honour to be part of the birth of this gift for humanity.’
~ Toby Negus, sacred artist & author
‘I have loved experiencing the profound teachings shared by the beautiful Elen Tompkins over a four day retreat this last weekend and am blown away by her quiet and gentle courage in living her highest truth.
Sometimes you go way beyond the here and now to invoke an ancient ancestral vow, and there is no way to explain it to the rational. This was one such four day retreat, held deep in the heart of the mystical Berwyn Mountains with the roaring voice of the waterfall as our constant companion. In its wake there is nothing to do but surrender. Thank you to the timeless Elen Tompkins for opening this space and bringing us together.’
~ Francesca Cassini, founder of the Silver Tent, inspirational storyteller, intuitive mentor
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