Elven Legacy of Lemuria

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2016


THE DEERSKIN BOOK is a gift from the Elven Ones, who last walked among us many thousands of years ago. They created this as a record of their wisdom  during the time of Lemuria, which existed upon Earth between 4,500,000 and 12,000 bc. Lemuria existed primarily in the Pacific Ocean, on the great continent known as Mu, yet in truth the earth still hold true to universal consciousness and all her lands were interconnected as golden nodes of Light. Lemuria formed the many lands, islands, continents around the earth in a continental pattern that is now altered, and has done so many times over.


The Elven, the Shining Ones, are galactic, inter-dimensional Star Souls who came to this planet as she became the Earth that we know, in the time of beginnings known as First Light, or Elder Time. They are one of the Founder Guardian lineages of earth. They brought their gifts of wisdom, beauty, inspiration, and the dimensional codes of other realities, so that Earth could blossom with the greater harmonics of the Universe.


Their lands were lost in cataclysm, and their cycle came to an end at around 12,000 bc. The same happened with the successive star civilization of Atlantis. Many wise beings of Lemuria travelled to other lands, bringing remnants of their culture and wisdom with them. We see their presence in the cultures of the Japanese, Chinese, Tibetan, Druid, Native American, Sami, Siberian and Norse peoples. There are innumerable other fragments scattered throughout the indigenous cultures of the world.


The Elven Ones knew there would ensue an era when the Lemurian star wisdom was almost entirely forgotten. They knew there would be a long era of darkness. This occurred in accordance with the great cosmic cycles out of which Creation is woven.


Thus they created the DEERSKIN BOOK, a record of their wisdom, which held the codes of awakening for a New Dawn on Earth. For they knew that the star kindred would incarnate once more as human beings, taking on the veils of amnesia and the lower dimensional realities, and that they would undergo a great process of awakening and remembrance in order to initiate a New Era of Light.


They stored this book in the seventh dimension of another world, and many of the kindred left this physical dimension as its density increased. A veil came down between the worlds. In the last era, these ancient realities of beauty and peace have come to seem like a dream, a myth.


Yet something is changing. We are living in very special times. These long-dormant memories are awakening within us. The Elven Elders are returning to our world, and many are remembering their multidimensional selves and their own star origins and past lifetimes.


This is the Golden Dawn of the New Earth, and it is of this that SILVER WHEEL speaks.


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